
Alcohol-related Liver Disease. Clinical Practice Guidelines. Consensus Document Sponsored 

Autores: AEEH  Ramón Bataller , Joaquín Cabezas , Rocío Aller
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Adiponectin Gene Variant rs266729 Interacts With Different Macronutrient Distribution of Two Different Hypocaloric Diets 

Autores: Daniel Antonio de Luis , David Primo , Olatz Izaola , Rocío Aller
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A Circadian Rhythm-Related MTNR1B Genetic Variant (rs10830963) Modulate Body Weight Change and Insulin Resistance After 9 Months of a High Protein/Low Carbohydrate vs a Standard Hypocaloric Diet

Autores: Daniel Antonio de Luis , Olatz Izaola , David Primo , Rocio Aller
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Development of hyponatremia in non-critical patients receiving total parenteral nutrition: A prospective, multicenter study.

Autores: Gómez-Hoyos E, Buigues AO, Ballesteros Pomar MD, Casariego AV, Delgado YG, Ocón Bretón MJ, Abad González AL, Luengo Pérez LM, Martín PM, Tapia Guerrero MJ, Del Olmo García MD, Ruiz AH, Hernández JÁ, Guerrero DB, Antolín SH, Tenorio-Jiménez C, García Zafra MV, Romero FB, Pla MA, Martínez Olmos MA, Lemes IB, De la Vega IR, De Luis Román D.
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Effect of two different profile of dietary fatty acids and variant in adiponectin gene rs266729 on weight loss and adiponectin levels.

Autores: de Luis DA, Primo D, Izaola O, Aller R.
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Effects of a high protein/low carbohydrate low-calorie diet versus a standard low-calorie diet on anthropometric parameters and cardiovascular risk factors, role of polymorphism rs3123554 in the cannabinoid receptor gene type 2 (CB2R).

Autores: Primo D, Izaola O, de Luis D.
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In vitro approach for evaluation of carob by-products as source bioactive ingredients with potential to attenuate metabolic syndrome (MetS).

Autores: Rico D, Martín-Diana AB, Martínez-Villaluenga C, Aguirre L, Silván JM, Dueñas M, De Luis DA, Lasa A.
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Dietary-fat effect of the rs10830963 polymorphism in MTNR1B on insulin resistance in response to 3 months weight-loss diets.

Autores: de Luis DA, Izaola O, Primo D, Aller R.
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Association of rs670 variant of APOA1 gene with lipid profile and insulin resistance after 9 months of a high protein/low carbohydrate vs a standard hypocaloric diet.

Autores: Izaola O, Primo D, Gomez Hoyos E, Lopez Gomez JJ, Ortola A, de Luis D.
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Estrogen receptor genes polymorphisms determine serum lipid profile in healthy postmenopausal women treated with calcium, vitamin D, and genistein.

Autores: Usategui-Martín R, Pérez-Alonso M, Socorro-Briongos L, Ruiz-Mambrilla M, De Luis D5, Linares L, Calero-Paniagua I, Dueñas-Laita A, Pérez-Castrillón JL.
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